Looking back at the end of the island. Our hotel is the red and green building on the left, just above the yellow boat. The building just to the right with the cranes on it is the new tower at the World Trade Centre site, called One World Trade Center.
Longer shot.
Here's that statue that everyone was queueing for.
And the obligatory closeup.
A long shot of the Verrazano Narrows Bridge that connects Brooklyn and Staten Island. It took over the title of the worlds longest suspension bridge from the Golden Gate bridge.
Looking towards the ferry building on Staten Island.
We walked off the ferry, went through the ferry building and straight back onto the return ferry to New York. This is the next ferry coming in as we're going back.
Close up of some of the older buildings on the shore.
We hopped off the ferry and straight onto the train up to Dean and Delucas on Spring st. where we stopped for a lovely ice coffee. (American style unfortunately, but still refreshing.) We wandered east and saw lots of unusual things, such as bears being used as clothes stands.
Strange symbols painted on the wall. We never did work out what this was for.
We sat down in on a conveniently placed seat for a rest, in front of Jamin Puech of Paris. They happen, purely by chance you understand, to make handbags. So, I sat down, and sometime later, so did Louise.
There was another amazing building diagonally opposite the seat.
As well as one directly opposite.
I loved the faded Home Cooking sign.
I wandered around the corner and saw this art piece on the wall. Next to an ATM and the rubbish bins ...
There was a seat in front of the shop directly opposite us and we had fun watching the various people who stopped for a rest.
It got quite busy at times.
We finally finished out ice coffees, felt rested and continued on, with a last look back at the seat.
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