We did have a rest in Washington Square Park, just near to Giuseppe Garibaldi statue. I'm not quite sure why they like him, but they obviously do. We may not have stayed as long as we did, if we had realised that the land was used as a burial ground in the 1800's and there are the remains of 20,00 people under the park ...
Looking west across the park to the apartment buildings in Soho.
Another view of church and the more modern building behind it.
The streets were fascinating, very diverse styles and you could see the history as it was built up.
There were a lot of flags on the buildings, I'm not sure if it is for the tourists, to remind them which country they are in, or for the inhabitants, to remind them which country they are in.
The little church in front was obviously too small so they built the large church behind it.
This graffiti was on the wall of the second floor. Judging by the height of the other graffiti at the base, it must have been sprayed with a pressure sprayer.
A lot of the buildings had mirrored windows, which showed some crazy reflections.
Spot the ...
Too hard ?!? How's this ?
What ? Closer ? Now it's too easy.
Yes, it's the window washer.
More architecture. I would not like to drive in New York, it was a bit mad.
This is the United States Court house.
We spotted this building over the top of the trees, which we later found to be a new apartment building. The outside is sculpted and rippled.
We found a park to sit in and spotted this statue on top of a nearby building.
The squirrels popped up to see if we had anything interesting to eat.
We swapped seats and this lady came up and fed them.
The black one was evil. Look at his eyes !!
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