MintyBoost is a little package of electronics that allow you to charge your iPhone, iPod and any other device that charges from a USB port, from AA batteries.
Why are the electronics needed, I hear you ask ? (What do you mean that's not in the script ? Which script do you have ?)
The elctronics are needed because two AA batteries output 3 Volts but a USB port is 5 Volts. The electronics are needed to step the voltage up, smooth it out and restrict how much current the device being charged, can take.
Why did I build one, I hear you ask ? (Look! Keep up, it's over the page.)
I bought and built one because I found that my phone was flat after a days riding and tracking where I was going on Runkeeper. This meant that after a hard days riding, when I just wanted to relax on the train and listen to some music, I couldn't as my phone was flat.
Where are the photos ? (Ok, now you're just being stupid by ad libbing.)
The innocent Mint tin that has been corrupted. (The mints were delicious, even if they are not "curiously strong")
The inside showing the battery holder for the 3 AA's and the electronics with the USB port to the right.
Closeup of the USB port and the electronics.
Batteries included !
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