The plan for the day was for the motorbikers to head north, cut east across the mountains and do a big loop back to camp. We were going to go the other way and meet them along the way. Here's a map.
We started in camp, circled in the upper left, followed the track that went south until we came to Black Rock hot springs (X marks the spot.) We then turned east and went across the two inland playas(1&2), and up across the small ridge on the other side.
The others got all suited up and ready, we stood around chatting and helping where we could.
Joe and his son Steve.
Jim's mate Kirk.
Jim ready and sitting on the bike.
Richard scooting about.
Jim getting a little sideways while waiting for the others.
The hot springs being all hot and steamy. They flow 24 hours a day all year.
The track south, Black Rock is the black lump at the end.
We ambled down the track with no problems and eventually came to the Black Rock hot springs. There was an old horse drawn carriage on one side of the crossroad which was a cultural landmark.
The sign was in worse repair that the one at Double hot springs.
The spring was also bigger and not as hot.
Closeup of Black Rock.
We also saw a rocket or two going up.
Looking across the playa at Wagon Fire mountain in Granite Range. One of my favourite photos.
We drove up to the first playa and stopped on it's rim. This is looking back towards Black Rock hot springs.
We were side on to Black Rock and the playa stretching off into the distance.
Looking north across the first playa to the mountains on the other side.
And towards the second playa.
There were some very interesting rocks around.
We crossed the first playa and stopped on the rim between the playas. The track just to the right of centre is going up the island in the middle.
We continued across the second playa and along the track on the other side.
We drove up a side track to the top of the ridge overlooking the rest of the big playa. The others were going to be coming along the track to the left.
Looking back from where we came. The playas are just over that ridge.
Looking south down to the main playa.
We eventually met the others and we all climbed up onto the island in the middle of the second playa, where I had a photo taken.
Circle work.
Leaving the top.
The rest then went and climbed a nearby hill that wasn't passable by 4WD, so we went back to Black Rock hot springs, onto the playa and headed for the rocket camp. This was a small one that reached 28,000 feet.
This one was being scrutinised for it's next flight.
Launched !
This was the remains of a two stage one that had fired the first stage, turned over and then fired the second and slammed into the ground. The owner was pleased that he had salvaged the electronics and the fins. If you look closely, it's made of cardboard.
Another sunset...
... another dawn and we headed home.
We stopped at Pyramid lake, when we saw a coyote on the side of the road. He ran off before I could get a photo.
We also stopped at Emigrant gap in the Sierra Nevadas.
And finally the car was a little dusty after it's trip and I'm surprised that more didn't get blown off on the way home.
And I'm still blowing it out of my nose.... ;)