I had a dozen of the 6 different types of oysters that they serve. All were yummy and all the types tasted different depending on species and where they were grown.
And I had the cheese sandwich. ;)
We were originally going to Alcatrz, but it was blowing near a gale and we decide not to. I still got a photo taken in front of the island.
We went instead to the Academy of Sciences and went through their rainforest exhibit.
It was very cool with a circular ramp going up three stories around the rainforest and a lagoon at the bottom. On each story were different animals from the rainforest.
This was the Sambava Tomato Frog from Madagascar.
I love the gecko, they are very cool. This one is Henkel's leaf tailed gecko because his tail looks like a dried leaf.
The chameleon was also cool and very colourful with funky eyes that could swivel around.
These guys were cute and you know... just hanging around. They were Klemmer's yellow-headed day gecko and aparently amazing climbers although that wasn't obvious at first glance.
A closeup of a butterfly that looked like it had a big eye in it's wing. It was just hanging around the walkway.
This was from the second tier of walkway on the way to the third floor. You can see the lagoon at the bottom. The elevator is behind the forest screen at the back, it was very cleverly done.
After looking at the animals onthe third floor, we got into the elevator and were taken down to the basement. We emerged into a tunnel under the lagoon in the rainforest. Very awesome !
Being engineers, we determined that the roof of the tunnel was about 300mm thick plexiglass.
There were very big catfish swimming over the top of us. They would have been about a metre long.
Further on there was a tank full of Hidden Treasures.
But I'll tell you more about that another time ...
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