Part one, Part Two, Part Three and the map again.
Did I mention the hill was steep ? This is obviously why they need a cable car, but when I was there the queue was too long and so I decided to walk it.

You know it's a steep hill when the pavement has grooves in it for traction.

This is a ground floor apartment halfway up the hill....

...and this is it's view.

Looking back down the hill.

The cable car coming down the hill.

I made it to the top of the hill and the side street is apparently the twistiest street in San Francisco.

Some of the architecture is interesting.

The classic view of Lombard st with all the tourists driving down the switchbacks.

I wandered across to this church where there was a wedding just finishing and they had a very unusual wedding vehicle.

The church was more ostentatious than the Paris ones but looked cheaper and didn't feel as old.

Posing for photos.

Looking back down at the church. Lombard st is two streets to the right.

Looking up the hill towards Coit Tower. Another hill to climb.

Looking down the side streets on the way up the hill.

And I finally made it to Coit tower and paid my $5 and went up for a look.

But that's for tomorrow.
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