Monday, 17 May 2010

landed !

The new time zone is not too bad. On the flight I felt like it was another day as they served us dinner, we had a couple of hours sleep and then they served breakfast and by the time that I landed it felt like dinner time again, so I haven't been too bad. I worked all day today and then came home for a nap !

I went to the Social Security Administration today to try and get a social security number (SSN) which is a cross between Centrelink number and a passport number. They couldn't give it to me as there Deptment of Homeland Security hadn't updated their computers and they didn't have comfirmation that I was in the country despite the fact that I was standing in front of them with the paperwork saying that I had entered the country ! I have to wait a week until the computers get updated and try again.

I then went to the bank as Scott had said that I could open an account with my passport and then tell them when I had the SSN. Their poliy had undergone some 'slight' changes and I was unable to open an account without my SSN. :(

Going to lunch tomorrow with the rest of company to celebrate me getting here, didn't do it today as they got confused with the time zones and booked in another lunch.

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