This guy was playing a familiar song.
Here's a video.
The streets were very colourful.
As were some of the houses.
Further up the street there was a festival for the Chinese New Year.
Some amazing orchids.
Dancing girls.
This was a shop on the side of the street, I have no idea what they were selling.
Girls in traditional costume.
Another in traditional dress.
Chicken bits in a shop. The black ones might be thousand year old chickens.
More chicken bits.
I finally made it to the large gold tiger that marked the end (or maybe the start and I'd gone backwards) of the festival.
The festival was over several blocks.
Across the road from the end of the festival was one last Chinese band, singing the latest Chinese hit. Here's a quick video snippet of their song.
I made it to Coit Tower and the fog had cleared slightly.
I put my long lens on for some closeups of the surrounding city. The squiggley Lombard street.
Alcatraz island with a bit of sun on it.
Looking across Fort Mason and the Marina district towards the bridge.
I took a different way down from last time and this was the start of the path.
I wouldn't mind this place, nice view and when the next earthquake hits, you'd at least be on top ...
Interesting brick in the path.
Nearly vertical gardens.
The stairs halfway down onto the road.
This is the steps down the other side of the road. The road level is the top of the bridge.
Looking back up the hill to the tower, the path comes straight down.
The park down the bottom on the waterfront.
This is the view from the restaurant, it was a bit foggy.